This book is somewhat known as a classic in financial literature. Written satirically (I think), panning off of the economics writer Adam Smith (no it’s not really him). For me this book has just seen time pass it by.
This book is supposed to be whimsical, playing on the great theme of Wall Street vs. Main Street – which clearly was more relevant in the 50’s/60’s when it was written. Yet, like books 50+ years old, the language or approach seem forced, and oftentimes, losing me all together.
This book does attempt to portray lessons, but the style of the time, was to have it over laid in its prose. Approach over substance is the case in this text.
What caught my eye: If I really had a system for making money in the market and it worked all the time, first of all, I wouldn’t tell anybody and second of all, I would soon have just about all the money there is!
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